Greater israel the zionist plan for the middle east pdf

Aug 16, 2014 its time to arrest all the traitors in the white house and congress and end the fed. Middle east news share tweet the following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government, the likud party, as well as within the israeli military and intelligence establishment. A zionist plan for the middle east pdf yinon new world news. When viewed in the current context, the war on iraq, the 2006 war on lebanon, the 2011 war on libya, the ongoing wars on syria and iraq, the war on yemen, the process of regime change in egypt, must be understood in relation to the zionist plan for the middle east. The zionist plan for the middle east written by the israeli oded yinon to create a greater israel that would extend from the nile to the euphrates. The following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government which has recently been reelected, the likud party, as well as.

Commentary israel shahak and michel chossudovsky introduce readers to a policy paper greater israel. To our knowledge, this document is the most explicit, detailed and unambiguous statement to date of the zionist strategy in the middle east. And have not the peoples of the middle east usually followed the lead of the west. My commentary greater israel is the real reason that the mossadciami6 created the islamic state isis the zionist faction of the illuminati needs terrorism in the middle east to clear out people off the lands they plan to settle with jews. The leaders of israel are almost all military people and they use these weapons brutally, as we are seeing right now. Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital is intended to trigger political instability throughout the region. Hillary clintons emails, greater israel and the yinon plan. Kivunim was a quarterly periodical dedicated to the study of judaism and zionism which appeared between 1978 and 1987.

Most timid americans would avoid any serious discussion on the true causes of a continuous failed foreign policy that only benefits israel while costing our own country any chance of real national security and a prosperous society. The oded yinon plan is israels plan to completely destroy the middle east and then rebuild the entire area as greater israel using the united states as the murdering fool to do all of the destroying while israel commits not a single soldier to the effort. Aug 14, 2014 the zionist plan for the middle east, also known as the yinon plan, is an israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Greater israel the zionist plan for the middle east by oded yinon.

The zionist plan for the middle east by oded yinon, translated and e. The jewish plan for the middle east and beyond by gilad atzmon surely, whats happening now in iraq and syria must serve as a final wakeup call that we have been led into a horrific situation in the middle east by a powerful lobby driven by the interests of one tribe and one tribe alone. The zionist plan for the middle east oded yinons greater. The zionist plan for the middle east, also known as the yinon plan, is an israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Kivunim was a quarterly periodical dedicated to the study of judaism and zionism which appeared between 1978 and 1987, and was published by the world zionist organizations department of information in jerusalem. The zionist plan for the middle east is a strange pamphlet posted online by the association of arabamerican university graduates. An important document outlining what in my view has more or less become the zionist geopolitical code in the middle east since the end of the 20th century. Zionist plan for the middle east special document, no 1 oded yinon, israel shahak on. The balfour declaration was the legal document the international zionist movement referred to in order to back its demand for a jewish state in.

The israel of theodore herzl 1904 and of rabbi fischmann 1947 in his complete diaries, vol. The zionist plan for the middle east israeli oded yinon plan. Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israel s capital is intended to trigger political instability throughout the region. The following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government, the likud party, as well as within the israeli military and intelligence establishment. All the events in the middle east so far indicate that this plan is being carried out in secret. The zionist plan for the middle east by israel shahak and prof michel chossudovsky global research introduction the following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government, the. It insists and stipulates that israel must reconfigure its geopolitical environment through the balkanization of the surrounding arab.

It insists and stipulates that israel must reconfigure its geopolitical environment through the balkanization of the surrounding arab states into smaller and weaker states. Reading this account which includes documentation by israel shahak and oded yinon will be ignored by most proponents and apologists for the zionist state. Greater israel zionazi plan leads to rothschilds world dictatorship greater israel. It insists and stipulates that israel must reconfigure its geo. Most commentators on the middle east and american foreign affairs now realise that the chaos in the middle east has a lot to do with israel and its supportive jewish lobbies around the world. The yinon plan was a continuation of britains colonial design in the middle east.

The zionist plan for the middle east global research. Trumps decision to recognize jerusalem as israels capital is intended. Such a greater israel has been a longheld, notsosecret dream of many. Israel shahak the israel of theodore herzl 1904 and of rabbi fischmann 1947 in his complete diaries, vol. Most commentators on the middle east and american foreign affairs now realise that the chaos in the middle east has a lot to do with israel and its supportive. Its time to arrest all the traitors in the white house and congress and end the fed.

Norman finkelstein has devoted his life and his doctorate degree on the middle east and the palestine israel conflict. Furthermore, it stands as an accurate representation of the vision for the entire middle east of the presently ruling zionist regime of begin, sharon and eitan. It is the israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Aug 09, 2012 the yinon plan, which is a continuation of british stratagem in the middle east, is an israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Ken okeefe says that this interview was his best ever. The oded yinon plan is israel s plan to completely destroy the middle east and then rebuild the entire area as greater israel using the united states as the murdering fool to do all of the destroying while israel commits not a single soldier to the effort. Oded yinon an israeli strategist proposed breaking up arab countries, to create greater israel.

Greater israel is an expression, with several different biblical and political meanings over time. Sep 24, 2017 greater israel zionazi plan leads to rothschilds world dictatorship greater israel. Global research editors note the following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government which has recently been reelected, the likud party, as well as within the israeli. This was also a very influential document for figures in the american neoconservative movement, the neoconservative thinktank pnac, the writings of richard perle a clean break, etc.

Zionist plan for the middle east special document, no 1. The term yinon plan refers to an article published in february 1982 in the hebrew journal kivunim directions entitled a strategy for israel in the 1980s. An earlier definition, favored by revisionist zionism, included the territory of the. The yinon plan implied that arabs and muslims killing each other was an insurance policy for israel. Greater israel the jewish plan for the middle east. Sep 03, 2017 when viewed in the current context, the war on iraq, the 2006 war on lebanon, the 2011 war on libya, the ongoing wars on syria and iraq, the war on yemen, the process of regime change in egypt, must be understood in relation to the zionist plan for the middle east. Greater israel the zionist plan for the middle east. It is often used, in an irredentist fashion, to refer to the historic or desired borders of israel. The following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist. Oded yinon, whose 1982 paper for kivunim directions entitled a strategy for israel in the 1980s, is often used as a reference point for evidence of an israeli aim to balkanise the surrounding arab and muslim world into ethnic and sectarian ministates, was recently interviewed. The following document pertaining to the formation of greater israel constitutes the cornerstone of powerful zionist factions within the current netanyahu government, the likud party, as well as within the israeli military and intelligence establishment president donald trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of israels illegal settlements.

Theodore herzl, the founder of zionism says, in his complete diaries. Is syrias destruction a part of the zionist plan to create a greater israel. Zionist wars for a greater israel the millennium report. The zionist plan for the middle east translated and edited by israel shahak. When viewed in the current context, the war on iraq, the 2006 war on lebanon, the 2011 war on libya, the ongoing wars on syria, iraq and yemen, not to mention the political crisis in saudi arabia bear and intimate relationship to the zionist plan for the middle east. This has resulted in a powerful zionist jewish military machine, the real superpower of the middle east. The yinon plan is an israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Greater israel the jewish plan for the middle east, the. Such a greater israel has been a longheld, notsosecret dream of many zionists. Iraq, syria, libya, yemen, palestine, egypt president donald trump has confirmed in no uncertain terms, his support of israel s.

The zionist plan for the middle east debate neutral. The zionist plan for the middle east translated and edited by israel shahak from oded yinons a strategy for israel in the nineteen eighties the association of arabamerican university graduates finds it compelling to inaugurate its new publication series, special documents, with oded yinons article which appeared in kivunim directions, the journal of the department of information of the. Whistleblowers the greater israel project explained by. Sep 03, 2015 isis is working on mossadcia plan to create greater israel. The zionist yinon plan for the middle east, by israel shahak apr 1, 2017 global research click for source article on greater israel zionazi plan formation of greater israel zionist netanyahu likud trump confirmed support of israels. The zionist supremacist plan to encourage war in syriaand the entire middle eastforms part of a long term strategy going back decades, as detailed in the february 1982 zionist journal kivunim directions the study, titled a strategy for israel in the nineteen eighties was written in hebrew, and only translated into english by courageous antizionist supremacist israel shahak. The zionist plan for the middle east explains us wars.

The following essay represents, in my opinion, the accurate and detailed plan of the present zionist regime of sharon and eitan for the middle east which is based on the division of the whole area into small states, and the dissolution of all the existing arab states, shahak wrote in his introduction. The jewish plan for the middle east and beyond boycott. The yinon plan, which is a continuation of british stratagem in the middle east, is an israeli strategic plan to ensure israeli regional superiority. Israels longtime strategy to destabilize the middle east. Isis is working on mossadcia plan to create greater israel. A zionist plan for the middle east pdf yinon new world. Greater israel the zionist plan for the middle east by. Israels role in the third world english social history portal. Eretz yisrael hashlema is an expression, with several different biblical and political meanings over time.

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